For Educators
Educator resources will now be found on the Texas SPED Support website – an easy-to-use website with all special education resources for anyone teaching or supporting students served by special education.
Visit this website: spedsupport.tea.texas.gov
Explore Resources for Families
The links below lead to information and resources to support families and enable students with disabilities to achieve the highest outcomes.
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Explains parents’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Parent's Guide to the ARD Process
Contains information parents need to effectively participate in an ARD committee meeting
Resource Locator for Families
The SPEDTex Resource Locator is your gateway to special education resources. From accommodations to transition and everything in between, the SPEDTex Resource Locator lets you tailor your search by topic, language and type.